Here are my 10 favorite ways to celebrate the summer solstice. You can do one or all of these easy rituals to honor the Sun and the solstice. Be sure to take a moment to thank the Sun for its light, warmth, energy, and the extra daylight!
☀️ Display fresh flowers
☀️ Get outside into the sunshine
☀️ Make sun tea
☀️ Go barefoot (outside if you can)
☀️ Watch the sunrise or sunset
☀️ Live stream Stonehenge
☀️ Make solstice water joy and happiness
☀️ Use honey as an ingredient in your cooking or baking (ex: in tea, on pancakes)
☀️ Light a yellow candle
☀️ Set intentions for the next few months
When deciding on your solstice celebration, choose activities that make you feel happy and abundant. If you don't like the feel of grass on your feet, don't stand in it barefoot! You can take any of my ideas above and make them your own or add them to other rituals or ceremonies you may be doing.
I'd love to hear what you are doing to celebrate the solstice - share in the comments!
Happy Solstice!!