The magic in red lights! How to find magic in everyday situations.
Finding magic in every day situations is how we make the mundane magical.
The next time you're stuck at a red light, don't grab your phone (ahem!) - grab the moment instead.
Use that wait time to think of three things you're truly grateful for. And the reasons why you’re grateful for them.
Still waiting? Think of three more things.
By the time the light turns green, you've shifted your mindset.
Gratitude raises your vibration. And higher vibrational things attract more higher vibrational things. It’s the Secret in a nutshell (shhhhh!).
So those days when I hit every single red light on my way to pick up my son? I have 33 opportunities to be thankful for something in my life.
Yes, there are 11 lights between where I live and where he works. 😑 That’s a lot of gratitude and high vibrations I’m generating.
Give it a try! You’re sitting at the light anyway.
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