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What Tarot Decks I'm Using


What tarot decks am I using? Here are my current favorites. I love discovering new decks so this list can change at any moment!

The Witch's Tarot Deck next to an Easter Island style vase with greenery
What Tarot Decks I'm Using

The Witch’s Tarot by Ellen Dugan

My current standby for readings, as they are honest and to the point. This deck combines tarot with witchcraft, which adds a whole new layer to the meanings of the cards.

Everyday Tarot by Brigit Esselmont

An excellent beginner deck. I like it more than the traditional Rider-Waite for learning tarot. No complex symbolism or colors - just simple imagery and meanings.

Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche

This deck tends to be more complex, as the imagery doesn’t always match the meaning of the card. And some of the images are disturbing (10 of Swords, I’m talking about you!). But it’s based on old Hollywood so it’s fun when I recognize a classic movie star. And there's something romantic about the cards and the colors that I love. Just be ready for some sassiness!

The Good Tarot by Colette Baron-Reid

The ultimate self-care tarot deck. This deck is kind and gentle and even the cards that usually have a negative undertone like the Three of Swords have a positive spin. It uses the elements instead of the traditional suits for more of a deeper connection with your emotions and self. This is deck I most frequently use for for own personal readings.

What are some of your favorite decks?

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