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Transform Your Daily Walk


How to Transform Your Daily Walk By Being Present

A close up of a woman walking on a boardwalk path.

The next time you head out for a walk (whether it’s for exercise or just a leisurely stroll), keep your phone in your pocket and your headphones at home 😱

I know that sounds scary, but listen…

As you walk, be fully present. Really observe your surroundings. Notice what catches your eye.

Feel the ground supporting you with each step. Listen for birds, children laughing, or wind chimes. Feel the breeze, smell the air.

Breathe deeply. 

As your senses are heightened when you do all of this, pay attention to any messages you may receive from your intuition. 

So many of my intuitive hits and downloads come to me when I’m walking alone or outside just “being”. 

This is because movement (action) plus intention equals magic. So step into it. (See what I did there?) ✨

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